Fix your hope on God.
1 Timothy 6:17
A Message from Pastor John Bopp
Welcome in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to New Life Church in Minneola, Florida. It is
my honor as a servant of Jesus Christ to introduce you to who we are.
We are a gathering of people who have put our trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness of our disobedience against the just and good commands of God. Along with that
forgiveness, we trust Jesus’ promise that we will live forever with him on this earth when he
returns in the flesh. As a result, we are humbled by the tremendous sacrifice Jesus made in
enduring God’s wrath which we deserved.
So when we gather, we seek to learn more about just how good Jesus is, how much he loves us,
and what he expects of us, and we also love to worship him together. If you would like to join us
in worshipping Jesus, we would love it! Hopefully, as you explore this website, you will
discover that these things are true!